Knight of the Confederacy: Gen. Turner Ashby
From the pen of versatile Frank Cunningham, who wrote the dynamic history of General Stand Watie’s Confederate Indians, comes another stirring book on heroic phases of the Civil War. Brilliantly written, highly researched—this is the biography of a cavalry general of top significance, proud of his men and his capable horse artillery. Recreated within these pages is the vibrant figure of Turner Ashby, astride his milk-white steed, dashing across the fields and hills of Virginia—now fearless and bold—now gallant and courteous-a man revered by his own people, respected by the enemy. Turner Ashby, born October 23, 1828, of an aristocratic Virginia family at Rosebank Plantation, Fauquier County, was descended from an English family of nobility, members of which had earned fame on other fields of battle. His father was Colonel Turner Ashby, who distinguished himself during the War of 1812. His brothers, James and Richard, served the South and all three men went to their deaths for the Cause in which they believed. Ashby, forsaking home and loved ones, put the ideal of Freedom from oppression uppermost in his mind with the thought that to die “upon the altar of (his) country” for one’s beliefs was paramount. Illustrated throughout with plates, including portraits.