Why I Am A Five Point Calvinist
This book is written to clarify the teaching of Sovereign grace, This is the teaching of Paul and the Apostles, Saint Augustine, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, Martin Lloyd Jones, R.C Sproul, John MacArthur and all other preachers of the past and present that teach the true gospel. Look inside let the scriptures speak for themselves, make sure you have a proper view of God. There are things we cannot understand about God because he is infinite, and we are finite, but whether we understand God or not we are to believe him and his word. The teaching of Sovereign grace is the easiest thing in the world to believe if you will just let God's word say what it means. Once you see and accept this doctrine you will never be the same. You will see so clearly the teaching of Sovereign grace and will understand that the only way you can properly interpret the sacred scriptures is to view them considering God's sovereign grace or what some people call Calvinism.