Think Palestine
Dr. Jamil Effarah tackles the struggle between Palestinians and Israelis in three volumes under the title “THINK PALESTINE” that exposes series of articles addressing various issues regarding the complex struggle between Palestinians and Israelis, based on developing events that took place involving the U.S. Administrations and their policies of support for Israel in the conflicts among Palestinians, Arabs and Israelis. This Volume III is intended for those students, teachers, politicians, executives, policy makers, and others who are interested or involved in the Middle East affairs. He interprets these events and policies as reflected by the last six years (2013-2018). Dr. Effarah started writings since 1952 while student at the American University of Beirut (AUB). As an Arab-American independent thinker, he judges’ events according to their merits while acting as a participant observer to the one-sided American policy toward the Middle East that serves the interest of Israel. He records and highlights the facts in an attempt to find the key to unlock the Palestinian, Arab and Israeli conflicts. His personal feelings, as a survival of the Palestinian holocaust of 1948, and his interpretations toward the proceedings representing a major part in the events that took place in that period. To find solutions to the Palestinians’ dilemma is to be fair to think Palestine. To “THINK PALESTINE” is to understand how to find the real key to just solutions to the problems in that region. Dr. Effarah attempts to create a voice for Arab Americans to stand up and be counted and act as an integral part of the American society. He keeps pressing for more American-Arab participation in the political process, for more transparency, and for faster and farther reaching to the Americans’ hearts and minds by trying to make them understand the Arabs’ situations, and Arab-Christian Patrimony, culture and heritage. Dr. Effarah attempts to create an Arab-American balanced policy to reach Americans and convince them that there are special interest groups and influential lobbyists in Washington, D.C. who misinform media and try to spin the story around while beholding to the fabricated Israeli points of view. To counterbalance the Zionist efforts, Arab-Americans should “think Palestine” and ask the American citizens to find answers to why the American citizens, the taxpayers, give money outright to Israel: more than $8.5 million per day, according to the CIA Factbook in 2012. It also was upgraded to $8.9 million per day with President Trump Administration giving $3.3 billion in 2019.