In today’s tumultuous world, humanity is facing religious, ethnic, politi cal, and racial intolerance; wars; crimes; drug addicti on; and human traffi cking. UNESCO’s stati sti cs indicate that there are about one billion illiterate people around the world, which equals 26 percent of the adult’s global populati on. In the developing countries, illiteracy rate is as high as 76 percent. About two out of three people around the world live on less than two dollars a day and lack access to clean water. Research organizati ons have indicated that 40 percent of all Americans say they att end religious services. Paradoxically, the United States has the highest documented incarcerati on in the world. Time has come to fi nd a more eff ecti ve soluti on for our ailing society. The main purpose for preparati on of this compilati on has been to review the teachings of Christi anity, Judaism, and Buddhism as a spiritual soluti on for our community’s problem. Religious insti tuti ons have an enormous power on the minds of people and benefi t from strong fi nancial resources. Spiritual soluti ons, socioeconomic assistance, along with homeland security, are needed to prevent internati onal and social confl icts around the globe. The Old Testament’s passage states, And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. (Isaiah 2:4)