Weight Loss Diet
“If eating less is a punishment, eating more is surely a crime.”Dr. Anil Chaturvedi has succinctly put his thoughts in these words. One is constantly warned that excess of everything is bad: especially eating. Since the last 10-15 years, the lifestyle of people has changed drastically. It is fraught with mental tension and sedentary life, which completely rules out time for physical exercise or any physical activity that could help burn calories and mitigate health problems.The author of this book has penned down, after great research, some measures which can reduce fat and help one maintain good health. In addition, he has explained in detail the causes and resultant effects of obesity. These have been carried out based on various components of health. He has given information regarding BMI, proteins, carbohydrates, caloric value of food and how to calculate them. Besides this, he has given schedule of controlled diets also.A practical handbook for losing weight and be healthy.“If eating less is a punishment, eating more is surely a crime.”Dr. Anil Chaturvedi has succinctly put his thoughts in these words. One is constantly warned that excess of everything is bad: especially eating. Since the last 10-15 years, the lifestyle of people has changed drastically. It is fraught with mental tension and sedentary life, which completely rules out time for physical exercise or any physical activity that could help burn calories and mitigate health problems.The author of this book has penned down, after great research, some measures which can reduce fat and help one maintain good health. In addition, he has explained in detail the causes and resultant effects of obesity. These have been carried out based on various components of health. He has given information regarding BMI, proteins, carbohydrates, caloric value of food and how to calculate them. Besides this, he has given schedule of controlled diets also.A practical handbook for losing weight and be healthy. Weight Loss Diet by Dr. Anil Chaturvedi: This book provides a comprehensive guide to weight loss and diet, offering practical advice and tips for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. With its commitment to science-based approaches and its focus on healthy lifestyle choices, "Weight Loss Diet" is a must-read for anyone interested in improving their health and well-being. Key Aspects of the Book "Weight Loss Diet": Diet and Health: The book highlights the importance of diet and lifestyle choices in maintaining a healthy weight and preventing chronic disease. Practical Advice: The book offers practical advice and tips for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness, portion control, and physical activity. Science-based Approaches: The book is based on the latest research and science-based approaches to weight loss and diet. Dr. Anil Chaturvedi is a medical doctor and nutritionist who has written extensively on the topics of health, nutrition, and weight loss. "Weight Loss Diet" is one of his most popular works.