David Morgan is an expatriate American who has lived and worked in Panama for many years. But when he loses his job with the Panama Canal Commission, his life begins to fall apart. Desperate to regain his place in the community, Morgan joins forces with a former employer, the powerful Panama Canal Commission executive Daniel Boyd. Boyd, too, has recently lost his job with the Commission and is anxious to take advantage of a rich source of gold located in the Darien wilderness of eastern Panama. Boyd needs an expendable partner, and Morgan is the perfect choice. As Morgan enters the Darien., Boyd's perfect plan begins to fall apart. Boyd's daughter, Susan, accidentally discovers her father's plan and races into the Darien to save her former lover, David Morgan. But Daniel Boyd is not Morgan's only problem. The Panamanian government and the United States Army are also interested in what an American citizen is doing alone in the Darien. Soon finding Boyd's god is the least of Morgan's problems as he and Susan struggle desperately to survive in the unforgiving Darien wilderness.