Burning Bridges
"Burning Bridges" is a 2019 poetry and flash fiction collection anthology book from Scars Publications (http://scars.tv) of select accepted material from 2019 issues of cc&d magazine ("Children, Churches and Daddies", the UN-religious, NON-family oriented literary and art magazine, http://scars.tv/ccd) and Down in the Dirt magazine (http://scars.tv/dirt). Writers and artists in this issue collection book include Aaron Wilder, Abrianna Johnson, Ahsan Jilani, Alberto J. Montero, Alison McBain, Alistair Forrester , Allan Onik, Allen F. McNair, Ana M. Fores Tamayo, Annin Brothers, Armine Zohrabian, ayaz daryl nielsen, Ben Brown, Bojana Stojcic, Bonnie E. Carlson, Caitlin Cherniak, Cameron Patterson , Carol Lynne Knight, Carolyn Poindexter, Charles McFadden, Cheyanne Brabo, Chris Butler, Christian Fennell, Christine Liwag Dixon, Corrina-Corinna, D. D. Renforth, Dan Fitzgerald, Daniel Owens, David Boski, David J. Thompson, David Michael Jackson, David Russell, David Sapp, Dawid Juraszek, Denny E. Marshall , Dev Pati, Donna M. Davis, Doug Hawley, Doug Van Hooser, DS Maolalai, Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz, Eleanor Leonne Bennett, Emily Jo Scalzo, Erica Marchant, Erren Kelly, Fabrice Poussin, Felix Purat, Greg G. Zaino, Gregg Dotoli, Griffin Silver, Heath Brougher, Helen Bird "Inksanity", Helen Bird, "Inksanity", Hope Ruiz, I.B. Rad, Ian Mullins, Ian Sims, J. Ray Paradiso, James Hold, Janet Kuypers, Jaquayah Williams, Joan McNerney, Joe Seale, John ("Jake") Cosmos Aller, John Conaway, John F. McMullen, John Kojak, John L. Stanizzi, John Maurer, John Raffetto, John Sweet, John Tustin, John Yotko, Jon Brunette, Joseph S. Pete, Josephine Sourgnes, Judge Santiago Burdon, Jules Elleo, Julie Henderson, K. Stacy, Katheryn Everson, Keith Mark Gaboury, Kenneth DiMaggio, Kevin Michael Wehle, Kody Ford, Kyle Hemmings, Kyle Shultz, Latoya Kidd, Laura Johnson, Laurie Calhoun, Lewis Horwitz, Linda M. Crate, Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Lydia Flores, Marc Livanos a/k/a Panhandle Poet, Marc McMahon, Mark A. Murphy, Mark Antony Ross, Marlon Jackson, Mary Bargdill, Matt Matkowski, Mbizo Chirasha, Michael Ceraolo, Michael H. Brownstein, Michaiah Vosberg, Mike L. Nichols, Milenko ?upanovi?, Norm Hudson, Oliver Fox, Olivier Schopfer, Oz Hardwick, Paul Bernstein, Pawel Markiewicz, Pawel Markiewicz, R. N. Taber, RC deWinter, Riley Smith, Robt. Emmett, Roger G. Singer, Rose Hollander, Scott Thomas Outlar, Seward Ward, Sharon Frame Gay, Simon Perchik, Susie Gharib, Thom Woodruff, Todd Mercer, Tom Ball, Tracey Underwood, Travis Green, Uzeyir Lokman Cayci, Valeri Paxton-Steele, Vaughan Wesley, Vern Fein, Victoria Otto Franzese, W. Dean Marple, Wes Heine, Winston Derden, and Xanadu. Writers and artists included in this book are also listed with their writing at the Scars Publications book link (search for the book title in the books section at http://scars.tv).