The Wolf at My Door
When Doug Gosling was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer at the relatively young age of forty-nine, it was the beginning of an incredible journey of profound discovery. As he says, I came to realize that cancer was really two diseases in one; a physical disease of the body and also an emotional disease a cancer of the mind, if you will. In The Wolf at my Door, Doug engages us in a deep and open discussion of the two faces of this deadly disease. His incredible story has relevance to people with any type of cancer and, equally, for those who love and care for them. The Wolf at my Door discusses in vivid detail the various stages of cancer diagnosis, treatment, recovery and recurrence and explores the deep emotional impact that cancer has on the person with the disease and on their loved ones. It is an intensely intimate story told with no holds barred, dealing openly with difficult subjects such as depression, spirituality, fear of recurrence, incontinence, sexual function and death. It will inform and often entertain, offering tremendous insight to anyone touched by cancer. This book will help you!