Strategic Information Management
Building on the success of the first edition of Strategic Information Management, this second edition draws on a wide range of contemporary articles by leading experts in North America and Europe, such as: Bob Benjamin, Michael Earl, Blake Ives, Sirkka Jarvenpaa, Lynne Markus, Edgar Schein and Leslie Willcocks. Each deals with aspects of the most important and pressing Information Systems Management themes. The collection is given added coherence with the introduction of an easily understood framework of Information Systems Strategy and Planning within the wider organizational and business context. In addition, lessons are reinforced by the inclusion of discussion questions at the end of each chapter; these often refer to points raised elsewhere in the book as well. Strategic Information Management is designed as a course text for MBA, Master's and final year undergraduate students, and provides a helpful launch pad for researchers and Doctoral students investigating these key issues. The book can be read from cover-to- cover, or as a ready reference for those whose need to dip into aspects of the subject. About the editors Bob Galliers is internationally renowned for his leading edge work on IT and organizational change. Professor of Information Management at Warwick Business School, UK, where he was Dean for the period 1994- 1998, he is editor-in-chief of the JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS and, in 1999, President of the Association for Information Systems. He is a Visiting Professor at INSEAD, France and an Honorary Professor of the Institute for Advanced Management Studies in Brussels. Dorothy Leidner is an Associate Professor of Information Systems at INSEAD. Her current research focuses on key issues associated with knowledge management systems and working in virtual teams. The latter research has gained international prominence through being highlighted in Harvard Business Review. She has published in such leading international journals as Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly and Organization Science. Bernadette Baker is a Business Analyst at Virgin Direct. Previously a Research Fellow in Business Innovation and Information Systems Strategies at Warwick Business School, she gained her Doctorate there as a result of pioneering work in the area of assessing Strategic Information Systems Planning success. The Editors have thoroughly researched which articles would be most useful on Strategic Information Courses provided by other institutions as well as their own Professor Galliers is the recognized authority in the field of Information Management, and teaches at one of the top Management Schools in Britain