Early Literacy Instruction and Intervention
"This established text and teacher resource is now in a revised and updated third edition, with a broader focus on whole-class instruction as well as small-group and individualized intervention. The evidence-based Interactive Strategies Approach (ISA) provides a clear framework for supporting literacy development in grades K-3, particularly for students who experience reading difficulties. The book gives teachers the knowledge needed to more effectively use existing curricular materials to meet core instructional goals in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, word solving/word learning, vocabulary and language skills, and comprehension. Twenty-six reproducible forms can be copied from the book or downloaded and printed from the companion website. Of special value, the website also features approximately 200 pages of additional printable assessment tools and instructional resources. Prior edition title: Early Intervention for Reading Difficulties. Key Words/Subject Area: reading, teaching materials, beginning readers, elementary methods, resources for teachers, textbooks, struggling, difficulties, problems, primary grades, English language learners, emergent bilinguals, phonics, decoding, lessons, word learning Audience: Teachers of children ages 5-8 (grades K-3); literacy coaches; school administrators; teacher educators and graduate students"--