Foundations of American Education
This access code card provides a 6 month subscription to the video-enhanced Pearson eText for Foundations of American Education, 16/e. At the end of your subscription, you have the option to extend your access at a reduced cost. The new Sixteenth Edition of this classic text presents a broad introduction to the foundations of education through discussion of theory and practice in such areas as advocacy; legislation; and the current social, political, and economic climate. In it, teachers gain a realistic perspective and approach to their work. Current, thoughtful, and completely up-to-date, Foundations of American Education presents a comprehensive look at the fast-paced world of information and the underlying constructs influencing today's schools. The book includes comprehensive coverage of recent trends and issues in schools, the emergence of Common Core State Standards, RTI, and the continuing emphasis on assessment. Video-Enhanced Pearson eText Included in this package is access to the new Video-Enhanced eText for Foundations of American Education, exclusively from Pearson. The Video-Enhanced Pearson eText is: Engaging. Full-color online chapters include dynamic videos that show what course concepts look like in real classrooms, model good teaching practice, and expand upon chapter concepts. Over 29 video links, chosen by our authors and other subject-matter experts, are embedded right in context of the content you are reading Convenient. Enjoy instant online access from your computer or download the Pearson eText App to read on or offline on your iPad and Android tablets.* Interactive. Features include embedded video, note taking and sharing, highlighting and search. *The Pearson eText App is available for free on Google Play and in the App Store.* Requires Android OS 3.1 — 4, a 7” or 10” tablet or iPad iOS 5.0 or newer 013338621X / 9780133386219 Foundations of American Education Plus Video-Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card Package consists of: 0132836726 / 9780132836722 Foundations of American Education: Becoming Effective Teachers in Challenging Times 0133394727 / 9780133394726 Foundations of American Education Video-Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card