Models for the Preparation of America's Teachers
Preservice teacher education curriculum and instruction were surveyed to reveal the state of the art, to identify issues and problems, and to submit suggestions for improvement. Part I, "The Teacher Education Curriculum," presents an overview of current practice in the preservice curriculum. It considers both the general and professional education requirements of prospective teachers, notes related problems and issues, and raises questions or makes suggestions for resolving them. Part II, "Alternative Teacher Education Curricula," provides truncated reviews of 22 newer ideas for the preservice curriculum, most of which have received only brief or minimal attention from teacher education practitioners. Part III, "Instruction in Teacher Education," focuses on teaching method and instructional alternatives. The major alternatives highlighted are microteaching, simulations, Reflective Teaching, and use of protocol materials. Part IV, "Summing Up," synthesizes the many suggestions made throughout the book, and might serve as an agenda for improving preservice curriculum and instruction in teacher education. (JD)