Psychosocial Care of the Adult Cancer Patient
Increasing efficacy of biomedical treatments for cancer means that more and more people are living longer with the disease. The five-year relative survival rate for all cancers has increased considerably in the last three decades, with some survivors living for many years and thus facing increasingly complex psychosocial issues. As a result, the mental health subspecialty of psycho-oncology is growing and is responding to the many calls for increased availability of psychological services for cancer patients. Psychosocial Care of the Adult Cancer Patient introduces psychologists and other mental health professionals to the field of psycho-oncology, educates them about evidence-based interventions for individuals, groups, couples, and families, and describes how to successfully collaborate with oncologists and other cancer care professionals. Introductory in nature and providing ready access to a range of evidence-based interventions, this book briefs the reader on the field of psycho-oncology and the basics of cancer, explains screening and assessment for psychosocial distress, details the principles of evidence-based interventions, and concludes with case examples that illustrate the evidence-based practice competencies-ask, access, appraise, translate, integrate, and evaluate. In a unique writing style, the case examples reveal the decision-making process of an experienced clinician doing evidence-based practice. Practical strategies for addressing the psychological needs of cancer patients and their families are offered in an easy-to-use, quick reference format. Key points are highlighted and enhanced through the use of tables and figures designed to summarize and emphasize important information. This book will be of value to clinical and counseling psychologists and other mental health professionals, as well as graduate students in psychology, social work, mental health counseling, oncology nursing, and other cancer care professions.