Teaching Choral Music
Written in a lively and engaging style, this comprehensive, practical, and authoritative guide to teaching choral music offers a sequential, organized plan of approach that explores the foundation principles and methods of the discipline, covers the nuts and bolts of the profession, and helps users learn to structure administration and organization responsibilities to promote long, complete, and satisfying careers. Offers practical guidance and explains complex concepts about vocal and choral technique in a simple and easy-to-understand language. Covers theYgistory of choral music in Europe and America, and delineates aspecific philosophy of teachingchoral music with a particular emphasis on its justification in the secondary school curriculum. Now recommends long- and short-term Study Projects for each chapter, and comes with new and expanded appendices that include: Suppliers of Choral Music, Materials and Equipment; Choral Literature for Mid-Level Grades; Multicultural Choral Music; Sight Reading Methods; plus useful Web Sites. Makes an ideal reference.