UNHIDDEN, Don Richardson's magnum opus after 43 years of inquiry, presents the author's vision of a unified field, a charmingly symmetrical 'theory of everything.' Don explains why, again and again, things we take for granted-dimensions, for example-yield phenomenal insights under thoughtful scrutiny. Here are just a few topics: [Just as 4 extent dimensions-length, breadth, height and time-form an extent continuum, 3 value dimensions form a historically unrecognized Value Continuum. What are the 3 value dimensions? How do we experience them as a continuum? [Are matter and energy really created ex nihilo, as some claim? [Does the cosmos conform to an underlying motif? If so, can we know what it is and what it explains? [Why does evil occur? What can we do to overcome it? [Does Big Bang Cosmology really explain our cosmos? [What really causes continental drift? These and other wide-ranging postulates and paradoxes await you in UNHIDDEN. Buckle up and join Don for a captivating ride in a realm of intriguing inquiry. DON RICHARDSON-author of Peace Child, Lords of the Earth, Eternity in Their Hearts, Secrets of the Koran and other works-speaks worldwide at more than 40 conferences annually on topics ranging from cross-cultural communication and theology to history and linguistics. He is also an ardent reader of scientific texts and journals relating to cosmology, geology, sub-atomic physics and history. Don hopes UNHIDDEN's in-depth tweaking of Big Bang Cosmology's numerous foibles, along with his other topics, will arouse public interest in a far more viable approach to mankind's search for a unified field. He and his wife, Carol Joyce, reside in Florida.