Grapie's Finger Lakes Gloves
This is a fun educational book that will appeal to children and adults. Through wonderful illustrations and original poems readers learn about a special group of eleven lakes called the Finger Lakes in upstate, western New York! Yes, there are eleven finger lakes!Even people already familiar with the Finger Lakes will enjoy the illustrations, and delightfully informative poems. The book is a fun way for anyone to learn and recall all the Native American inspired names and some facts about these lakes.The narrator is a character called "Grapie." Wearing his "Finger Lakes at your fingertips" gloves he proudly proclaims he will be "your Finger Lakes guide." He takes readers from east to west, one finger and one lake at a time. Each lake is illustrated on its own page. There's a short list of facts about the lake in the upper left-hand corner of the page labeled "Grapie's Juicy Info!" The clever poems that describe each lake convey the primary substance of the book in a friendly manner. The poems serve as an interesting medium for young readers to discover unique features of the lake, its surrounding areas and added attractions.In the early pages of the book readers are reminded that these beautiful, long, narrow lakes (that's why they're called "finger" lakes) are "?a glacial gift of the Ice Age." In simple terms and illustrations both Native American legend and glacier activity are explained. On "A note from the author" page Hamilton explains the choice of Grapie as narrator. Grapes refuse to grow in just any place. These lakes and their hillsides and soil make for a perfect environment. Throughout the finger lakes area there are about 10,000 acres of grapevines. The Finger Lakes Region produces 90% of wine in New York State, plus other products.Grapes love the lakes!