Empowering Outperformance
Do you have the dedication, discipline and concentration to finish what you set out to do? To be a high performer? This book is not meant to come up with the typical ten point plan that you find in the plethora of books on “how to...” or “finding the shortcut to...”. It is simply not realistic to impose the one and only way to become a performance beast. We cannot be made immune to personal emotions and our brains work in a very unique way and therefore it seems illogical to accept the restrictions of such ten-point-plans. Dixie Dansercoer surely does not want to preach, generalise or standardise training methods to manipulate people into becoming high performers. Our brains may be trained just like muscles, but people cannot be as easily manipulated as flesh and bones. The goal is to provide the reader with inspirational insights with respect to high performance, provide him/her with practical guidelines and stories to be read and shared without drowning in all-too-academic theories. The red line of polar exploration allows the author to write from the heart with accounts of his direct experiences. When confronted with the monotony of infinite white, wide-open spaces, one cannot but study the mental and psychological impact of these ambitious expeditions. Throughout his book, the author offers a lived and original example of what is needed to be(come) a top performer. EXTRACT There is nothing more exhilarating than the intensity of amazement. To be subjected to forces bigger than us, to be part of it, live it, touch it, smell it, feel it, love or hate it... only then can you be part of the real thing. In order to find that intensity, the only thing we need to do is put our mind to it, go out there and do it. Does it come for free? No. Is pushing the limits an easy thing to do? No. To get the most out of our potential, we must commit. If we want or need to deliver, we must be ready to work hard and be resilient. To follow a dream, we must be ready to fail as well. Stop dreaming and you will have a hard time falling asleep. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dixie Dansercoer is a lifelong adventurer who has placed his focus on Polar exploration during the last 26 years, running many record-breaking expeditions that raised the bar for what seemed impossible. Parallel scientific missions, educational projects and enthusing the public at large are tools he uses to objectively raise awareness regarding our individual and collective responsibilities vis-à-vis the pristine character of our precious Earth. Together with his wife Julie Brown, he runs Polar Circles, with which they present keynote speaking, corporate-supporting campaigns and productive retreats. As one of the very few International Polar Guides Association few Master guides, he provides guiding services with Polar Experience for which he has designed polar trips ranging from soft immersions in the Polar Regions to extreme ski-kiting expeditions to (Ant)Arctica. Dixie is the author of 24 expedition, photo, children’s and corporate books and does not hesitate to include in his publications that belief in a good world, positive attitude and much humour can save the world. He is a father of 4 and sharing his time between Belgium, Switzerland, Oregon and ... wherever snow and ice are the icing on the cake !