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The Septuagint
The Septuagint
Jennifer Dines provides an introductory survey of current scholarship on the Greek Bible - the Septuagint. She outlines its origins in the third to first centuries BCE, going on to trace its subsequent history to the fifth century CE. The Septuagint's relationship with the standard Hebrew text and its translational characteristics are examined, as is its value as a collection with its own literary and exegetical character. The Septuagint is shown to be an important source for biblical studies (both Old and New Testament), to make a distinctive contribution to the history of biblical interpretation, and to be of considerable interest for understanding the early development of both Judaism and Christianity.
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Molecular Constants Mostly from Microwave, Molecular Beam, and Sub-Doppler Laser Spectroscopy
Molecular Constants Mostly from Microwave, Molecular Beam, and Sub-Doppler Laser Spectroscopy
High-resolution spectroscopic data of paramagnetic diatomic molecules are presented in data sheets. All relevant properties of a molecule and the corresponding parameters can be found concentrated under its sum formula: rotational and related constants, the dipole moments, barriers to internal rotation, hyperfine coupling parameters, or Zeeman data.
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Landolt-Börnstein New Series set 2016
This 12-volume set includes all Landolt-Börnstein volumes published in 2016. Get them for a special pre-paid standing order price.
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Apocalyptic Cartography
Apocalyptic Cartography
In Apocalyptic Cartography: Thematic Maps and the End of the World in a Fifteenth-Century Manuscript, Chet Van Duzer and Ilya Dines analyse Huntington Library HM 83, an unstudied manuscript produced in Lübeck, Germany. The manuscript contains a rich collection of world maps produced by an anonymous but strikingly original cartographer. These include one of the earliest programs of thematic maps, and a remarkable series of maps that illustrate the transformations that the world was supposed to undergo during the Apocalypse. The authors supply detailed discussion of the maps and transcriptions and translations of the Latin texts that explain the maps. Copies of the maps in a fifteenth-century manuscript in Wolfenbüttel prove that this unusual work did circulate. A brief article about this book on the website of National Geographic can be found here.
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Molekülsymmetrie und Spektroskopie
Molekülsymmetrie und Spektroskopie
Dieses Buch ist Teil unserer neuen Datenbank Anorganik Online. Basierend auf einem Kompaktkurs, bringt dieses Buch den Studenten der Chemie die grundlegenden Konzepte der Molekülsymmetrie, Symmetrieoperationen und Punktgruppen nahe und behandelt Schwingungs- und Elektronenspektroskopie, sowie Kernmagnetische Resonanz. Im Rahmen der Diskussion werden sowohl spektroskopische Befunde mit Hilfe der Molekülsymmetrie erklärt, als auch aus Messdaten Informationen zur Molekülsymmetrie abgeleitet.
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Symmetrie in der Instrumentellen Analytik
Symmetrie in der Instrumentellen Analytik
In der umfassend erweiterten 2. Auflage stellen die Autoren neben den grundlegenden Konzepten der Molekülsymmetrie nun auch Symmetrieuntersuchungen in Festkörpern mittels der Röntgendiffraktometrie vor. Damit werden Symmetrieoperationen, Punkt- und erstmalig auch Raumgruppen neben Schwingungs- und Elektronenspektroskopie sowie kernmagnetische Resonanz behandelt.
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