Family and Succession Law in Germany
For a concise exposition and analysis of the essential elements of German law with regard to family relations, marital property, and succession to estates, this very useful volume has no peers. It covers the sources and instruments of family and succession law as practiced in Germany, the courts that adjudicate and administer the laws, and issues surrounding the person as a legal entity (especially in relation to consent) and the legal disposition of property among family members. The legal aspects of such matters as nationality, domicile, and residence; marriage, divorce, and cohabitation; adoption and guardianship; intestate and testamentary succession and inter vivos arrangements; and the acquisition and administration of estates are all treated to a degree of depth that will prove useful in nearly any situation likely to arise in legal practice. This valuable work will be welcomed by notaries, lawyers, judges, and registrars of civil status who find themselves having to apply German law as a result of applicable law rules of international private law. However, it is also of great value to students and practitioners as a quick guide and easy-to-use practical resource in the field.