The Egyptian Mau cat
Around 4000 years ago, the Egyptians invented the grain silo. The silos have attracted rodents then snakes then cats. This was the beginning of the great adventure of the domestic cat. At the heart of this adventure, the Egyptian Mau, true descendant of Pharaoh cats, holds the first place. This is his story that we contons today. Only naturally spotted cat, it exists in 4 colors: silver, bronze, black smoke and solid black. Her eyes are gooseberry green and in the depths of his enigmatic gaze, 40 centuries of feline friendship look down on you. His temper full of personality makes him the typical feline. Demigod himself, he seduced Pharaoh. Certainly, it will seduce you also. Graduate of Polytechnic (Paris), PhD of Mathematics, Phd of Computer Sciences, Didier HALLÉPÉE is also cat breeder (Fondcombe cattery). Fallen in love of the Egyptian Mau, he shared his passion of the mau through the AIME, the International Association for Egyptian Mau.