Understanding Abnormal Behavior
Providing an inviting and stimulating look into abnormal psychology, Sue, Sue, Sue, and Sue’s UNDERSTANDING ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR, 10th Edition, offers extensive coverage and integration of multicultural models, explanations, and concepts. The authors draw on important contributions from various disciplines and theoretical stances, engaging students in understanding abnormal behavior as scientific and clinical endeavors, while offering insight into the tools that mental health professionals use to study and treat disorders. The text continues the multipath model introduced in the 9th edition, once again emphasizing the importance of considering biological, psychological, social, and sociocultural factors and their interactions in the etiology of mental disorders. With more than 1,600 new references, this edition is thoroughly updated in its research and coverage. It also begins to discuss the proposed changes in the APA’s DSM-5 definition of mental disorders and its implications, including its change of focus from a categorical to a dimensional system of personality assessment. The fresh design makes the text even more approachable and appealing to students. It is accompanied by a helpful support package for instructors and students. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.