Taking Root
The picture of a plant taking root is used in the Bible to teach us the idea of conversion. When someone’s heart is turned from himself and his sinful ways to faith in Jesus and devotion to God, it is like a plant which starts to shoot out roots into rich soil so that it can live and take nourishment. There is no way for a plant to have life unless it takes root, and there is no way for a person to have spiritual life unless God turns him or her out of the way of death and into the way of life. The stories in this book have to do with plants taking roots. But as you read through them, you will not run across tales of flowers, leaves, and dirt as much as you will about spiritual plants in the garden of the Lord. They are stories about how God gives people new spiritual life by rooting their hearts in the grace of His Son Jesus Christ. Read these stories and take the time to ask God about causing your heart to take deep root into the life-giving soil of Jesus. Contents: Taking Root 1. A Little Girl’s Sin Found Out 2. The Pickpocket’s Story 3. A Change of Heart 4. Martha’s Bible 5. “What Shall It Profit?” 6. God’s Word Satisfies 7. A Mocking Discussion of the Bible 8. Shusco the Indian 9. Afraid to Go Home 10. The Gift 11. Trying to Enter by the Wrong Door 12. Jack and His Master 13. A New Year’s Start for Eternity 14. Clean Within 15. The Bird in the Church 16. A Search for Atoning Blood 17. “Can I Become a Christian?” 18. Little Johnny’s First Bible 19. More about Johnny 20. True Safety 21. A Sermon in the Woods 22. Debra’s Plan 23. The Conversion of a “Good Girl” 24. A Sunday School Student 25. Torn in Half 26. “Led by the Spirit of God” 27. Afraid to Swear Alone 28. The Sailor’s Bible 29. “What If It Had Been You?” 30. An Unexpected Change 31. The Good One Bible Did 32. Prayers for Salvation 33. The Watchword 34. Songs in the Night 35. The Siberian Leper 36. Rebecca’s Refuge 37. The Mathematician Confounded 38. The Hour Alone with God 39. Protection through Prayer 40. The Sleepless Night 41. The Story of Emilia 42. The Saints’ Everlasting Rest 43. An Attentive Daughter 44. A Woman Set Free About the Series: The Lord’s Garden is a series of devotional stories for children. The stories are based on true happenings, gleaned from a variety of sources, and rewritten for contemporary readers. Each story accompanies a passage of Scripture, and is intended to illustrate that particular biblical truth. Some stories are shorter, some longer. However, all will capture the attention of children, and hopefully their hearts. Every story begins with a Scripture verse and ends with questions for understanding the story, further points to think about, and directions for prayer.