Saint Agnes' Garden
Saint Agnes’ Garden By: Diana Lynn Klueh The inspiration for Saint Agnes’ Garden came from the book The Story of a Soul: The Autobiography of Saint Therese of Lisieux by Therese Martin. Saint Therese referred to herself as “a little white flower” because she had learned in a revelation from God that, in this world, we are all different kinds of flowers: We are not meant to be alike. We are all loved equally by God whether, in His eyes, we are a rose or a wild violet. The main character, Jodie, is definitely a wild violet. She lives her life for the Lord and what she believes He is calling her to do. Originally from Biloxi, Mississippi, Jodie and her mother must make their own way after Jodie’s father left them. They relocate to Terre Haute, Indiana, and must try to fit in to this strange northern city. This novel illustrates how hard it is for young women to navigate the early years of adolescence and how loving the Lord makes it a bit easier for them to know what they’re truly meant for. The author hopes that, through this novel, people will understand that children are all valuable and precious in the sight of the Lord.