The Future of Israel
GROUNDBREAKING VISION FOR THE FUTURE OF ISRAEL:REPLACING THE FALSE PEACE PROCESS OF TODAY WITH A NEW DECISIVE COURSE OF ACTION THAT WILL SECURE ISRAEL?S FUTURE?The Arab-Israeli conflict is of a national and ultimately a religious nature and not a simple land dispute. It cannot be solved by giving away land while the underlying cause of Arab hostility remains unchallenged. ?In his new book, THE FUTURE OF ISRAEL Devin Sper, scholar and passionate Zionist, offers a timely examination of Israel?s current crisis and answers the increasingly desperate question, ?Where does Israel go from here?? In THE FUTURE OF ISRAEL, Sper explains:?Why pursing the peace ?process? is not in Israel?s interest.?Why both the cause of, and the solution to, Israel?s problems and historical Jewish suffering are one in the same.?The three things Israel must do immediately to insure her survival and provide security for her people.?How and why a small fringe group hijacked Judaism and led the Jews to one tragedy after another.Sper maintains that Israel is today without a vision of her future, her economy is in shambles and her people in despair. ?Their hopes for peace have collapsed and there is a complete vacuum of ideas among Israel's leaders on a new direction, which will lead the country out of her seemingly endless tragedy.? To end two millennia of Jewish suffering, Sper argues, Israel must reverse the course her leaders chose at Oslo and resume a commitment to the accumulation of Jewish power she began so promisingly in 1948. Sper presents a vision culminating in Israel as a major power and lays out a long-term plan for achieving this goal. Only by making this journey, argues Sper, can a permanent end to Jewish suffering be realized. With its radical new vision for the future of Israel and the Jewish people based on a remarkably realized plan for a country in turmoil, The Future of Israel is the rightful heir to Theodore Hertzl?s ground-breaking The Jewish State. Sper bases his new vision on an ancient and once mainstream Jewish philosophy. It is a dynamic Judaism flowing from the Bible itself, a Judaism unafraid to engage and challenge the world, which the ancient historian Josephus called the ?Fourth Philosophy.? Sper explains how the abandonment of this genuine form of Judaism has led to centuries of tragedy for the Jewish people and why a return to this authentic Jewish philosophy is the only path to a secure Jewish future.Meticulously researched and compellingly argued, this brilliant and original work boldly reinterprets Jewish history and theology to offer the Jewish people and Israel a strategy to reclaim its place as a great nation.