Liver Diseases
Twenty-nine articles by a richly international group of specialists offer new insights into many areas of liver disease. The first volume contains articles on mediators and regulation of liver disease and the immunological basis of liver injury, with individual topics that include the role of chemokines in liver pathophysiology, the basis for immune recognition of cellular targets in primary biliary cirrhosis, and the role of nitric oxide in liver disorders. Volume Two contains articles on pathophysiology, therapy, and diagnosis and includes chapters on molecular virology and therapeutic targets for the Hepatitis C virus, and new therapeutic approaches for hepatic fibrosis. The three editors are Ali (biochemistry, Deemed U., New Delhi, India), Scott L. Friedman (division of liver diseases, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York), and Derek A. Mann (molecular biology, Southampton U. Hospital, UK). Distributed in the US by Enfield. Annotation :2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (