Having the ability to manage the learning environment, motivate students in the environment, and offer instruction that itself is motivating and which contributes to students learning what they need to learn and acquiring skills they need to acquire characterizes effective teachers. To meet these expectations, teachers need highly developed skills as instructional specialists, motivators, managers, and problem solvers. This new and expanded edition offers practical information for beginning as well as veteran teachers to become more knowledgeable, skilled, and effective in their work. Through study, application of what has been studied, and analysis and evaluation of the end result of this application, teachers who care to improve can improve. The text provides a specific context and focus for this active learning in areas of management and motivation. Additional sections discuss: understanding motivation and motivating environments, creating a managed environment with models and theories of management, best practice in teaching, creating and maintaining safe learning environments, responding to student motivation and behavior problems, and case studies for analysis in student motivation and classroom management. The text reviews appropriate strategies when responding to specific types of student misbehavior and also discusses zero tolerance policies, bullying, expulsion, teaching special students, addressing diversity, violence, school uniforms, and drug abuse as related to management and motivation. It is highlighted with supporting examples, question and activity sections by chapter, a helpful glossary, and 29 additional tables. This third edition continues to be an invaluable resource for teachers, student teachers, special educators, and school administrators in providing guidance, practical recommendations, and insight into developing sound management and motivation in the classroom.