Statistical Techniques in Geographical Analysis
Statistical Techniques in Geographical Analysis Second Edition Gareth Shaw Department of Geography, University of Exeter and Dennis Wheeler Department of Geography, University of Sunderland The second edition of this widely-used undergraduate textbook is shorter than its predecessor, but now contains a thorough treatment of computational methods. It aims to cover degree students’ needs in statistical methods from their first to final years. Assuming no more than basic secondary or high school mathematics, the authors provide coverage of a range of techniques, from simple descriptive to parametric and non-parametric methods in bivariate and multivariate settings. Almost invariably, each techniques is introduced ‘manually’, followed up by the appropriate application using either the SPSS or MINITAB software packages — the two statistical packages most widely used by geographers. Topics are introduced in an orderly sequence, reinforced by worked examples, so that the book can be equally valuable as part of a teaching scheme, as an aid in distance learning or as an accessible reference source on the different techniques. Fulton textbooks for geography students The Middle East: a Geographical Study, Second Edition Peter Beaumont, Gerald Blake and Malcolm Wagstaff 1-85346-093-1 640 pages Paperback Cities in Space: City as Place David Herbert and Colin Thomas 352 pages 1-85346-109-1 Paperback 1-85346-138-5 Hardback The European City: a Western Perspective, Second Edition David Burtenshaw, Michael Bateman and Gregory Ashworth 1-85346-030-3 324 pages Paperback Retailing: Shopping, Society, Space Larry O’Brien and Frank Harris 1-85346-122-9 160 pages Paperback