Student Workbook for Kaplan/Saccuzzo's Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues, 7th
More than a traditional study guide, the Student Workbook--written by Katherine Nicolai of Rockhurst University--truly helps students understand the connections between abstract measurement concepts and the development, evaluation, selection, and use of psychological tests in the real world. The Student Workbook contains interesting hands-on exercises and assignments, including case studies to critique, test profiles to interpret, and studies on the psychometric properties of tests to evaluate. Of course, the Student Workbook also contains traditional features such as chapter outlines and practice multiple-choice quizzes. Best of all, the workbook is presented in a three-ring binder in which students can keep other course notes and handouts. Students will discover that the Student Workbook will help them organize their study of Kaplan and Saccuzzo's text and excel on course exams, assignments, and projects!