Poems and Portraits
This is Dr. Dennis L. Siluk's 78th International Book, "Poems and Portraits," which contains thirty-five poems, two short narrations on holy people, and an article, plus ten additional poems from the Chapbook "The Mediator (The Son of Man)". The book is divided in seven parts which include: Part One: Eleven Christian related poems; Part Two: Fourteen Theological Philosophes; Part Three: Six Law Poems; Part Four: Four poetic prose poems; Part Five: An Interpretation of the pre-flood days in poetic prose: Part Six: Two short narrations on holy people and an article (in English and Spanish), and Part Seven: It is a bonus which includes ten poems from the Chapbook "The Mediator (The Son of Man)" not released yet. The poetry of Dr. Siluk is pretty understandable, but, additionally he adds notes in most of his poems for more information on them. Dr. Dennis L. Siluk is a poet (since age twelve), a writer, Psychologist, Ordained Minister, Decorated Veteran from the Vietnam War, Doctor in Arts and Education. In addition, he received twice Honorary Doctorate, and was appointed Poet Laureate in Peru, nine times. One of his books, "The Galilean," took Honorable Mention at the 2016 Paris Book Festival, and received an award from the Congress of Peru, for his cultural writings. He is originally from St. Paul, Minnesota, and lives with his wife Rosa, in Lima, Peru and High up in the Andes, in Huancayo, also, in Minnesota.