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In My Time
In My Time
The book "In My Time," consists of fifteen short stories, three of which are in Spanish and English, all dating from 1965 through 2016, all in chronological form which in essence is a biographical fragmentary sketch of the author (the last story being on paragliding). These are unpublished stories to date, non-fiction in mode, and crisscrossing the author's life (his pre-adolescent and his Vietnam period are left out). He adds in a manner of speaking, homages: realizing profoundly the passionate desire in all people is to be understood, to have their stories told. Dr. Siluk, certainly among the best storytellers, brings out sketches starting from his High School days in St. Paul, Minnesota along with his neighborhood times, a night trip to San Francisco, and two stretches in West Germany; to include, an adventure in India, Egypt, Easter Island, unforgettable Old Stan, and a few moments in Peru. The author-perhaps as in the style of Sherwood Anderson, focuses more on the rich and refreshing originality, and natural and genuineness in a story, centering around the motif, to bring out an insight rather than just storytelling for the sake of a high moment. Within the bulk of these stories, Chick Evens is Dr. Dennis L. Siluk's pseudonym.
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The Tale of Willie the Humpback Whale
The Tale of Willie the Humpback Whale
The short poetic tale of "...Willie the Humpback Whale" dates back to 1982, now some thirty-four years old. Since then, some 7200-free books have been given out to charities, 500 to "Toys for Tots" to the U.S. Marines in Minnesota for distribution, and to many schools and libraries throughout Europe and the United States. In 2008, and again in 2009, after 26-years out of print, the author did the book in Spanish and English, for the Peruvian children in the mountains, 2000-books were printed and given out to schools, orphanages, Aids Children Organizations, etc. Once again, and perhaps for the last time, the author brings back, to life: "The Tale of Willie the Humpback Whale," a most delightful story, that a Producers Report by Creative Entertainment Systems, out of West Hollywood, CA, in 1982, said, "This entertaining and heart-warming story that teaches a lesson, has all the ingredients needed to make a warm, charming refreshing children's animated television movie or special." The story emphasizes child's self-esteem.
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Things Come to Their End
Things Come to Their End
This 10th book "Things Come to Their End" is the completion of Dr. Siluk's Nonfiction Series, of some 148-Short Stories, that reaches back to 1896 thru 2016. The stories take place in over thirty-five countries, and throughout the United States, much of this last book was put together near the end of the 2016 Presidential Elections. Unlike the previous nine volumes, it has a high percentage of new stories, only a few taken out of the mothball den. The twelve stories take you to: Malta, Minnesota, Peru, San Francisco, the author's Junior High School days, Angel Falls, and much more. The ten volume series consist of: "In My Time", "Men Among Men", "Time and Seasons" "A Way You Have to Be", "An Unsuspecting Life!", "To Want, and Want Not!", "Winner and Loser Takes Nothing", "A Changeable Banquet", "Nowhere into Nothing" and "Things Come to Their End."
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A Way You Have to Be
A Way You Have to Be
Here is the fourth book (a Tetralogy) of Dr. Siluk's autobiography short stories, whether in the traditional form of the short story, poetic prose, biography, each story is a piece of history and complete within itself. He does not hold back from the drunk, to the miscellaneous workers of everyday life. Furthermore, and perhaps more so in this book than his previous three, he tells the stories of many of his travels, with humor, realism, some may think even fantasy, but most of all with love for the different people he has met on his journeys. He has put this fourth book into the same category of his previous trilogy: "In My Time," and "Men among Men," also "Times and Seasons," now to make it a tetralogy, comes "A Way You Have to Be," consisting of eighteen short stories, some more like sketches. Again, Dr. Siluk uses his penname or pseudonym, Chick Evens, as he has in his previous trilogy. Within this book you will visit Minnesota, Amsterdam, Germany, Luxemburg, France, Alabama, Vietnam, Mexico, and Peru. The time period starts in 1954, and ends in 2015.This being his 59th International Book, along with 48-chapbooks. At present two of his books are becoming unobtainable, "The Other Door..." and "The Last Trumpet..." out of print for many years that demand large prices, they have become collectables, and classics.Dr. Dennis L. Siluk, in the picture, is in a village in Huancayo, Peru. He is a poet since twelve years old, a writer, Psychologist, Ordained Minister, Decorated Veteran from the Vietnam War, Doctor in Arts and Education. He received twice Honorary Doctorate, and was appointed Poet Laureate in Peru, nine times. One of his books, "The Galilean," took Honorable Mention at the 2016 Paris Book Festival, and received an award from the Congress of Peru, for his cultural writings. He is originally from St. Paul, Minnesota, and lives with his wife Rosa, in Lima, Peru and High up in the Andes, in Huancayo, also, in Minnesota.
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Doctor Siluk is an American prolific intellectual, which his vast works (poetic, narrative and descriptive), give testimony of his experiences as a traveler for several places in the world. —Lic. Maria Dianderas Vizurraga,Director of the Department of Culture, Junin Region of Peru, February 2012I I wish to express, Dr. Dennis Lee Siluk, my deep gratitude for your promoting of our art and culture which has brought back the richness of our customs and folklore within the Central Andean Region of Peru. —Dr. Jesús Pomachagua, Rector of the National University of Central Peru January 2012 This is the Poet’s 8th Volume on cultural poetry, concerning Peru, in particular within the Mantaro Valley Region of the Andes and its expanse, although it has three other sections (one with several short stories, other poems).This moving, 46th book: The People Will Not Break... carries the craft, perception and imagery of a distinguished, award winning poet, writer and artist. It leaps from page to page, with its extravagant, profound, and artful honesty, of an Andean culture slowly fading, and a new one quickly rising. Interwoven are: legends, customs, traditions, the people— lost tales for youth, writings for posterity; extracts from his next book.
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The Galilean
The Galilean
The poems within this volume, consist of a series called: The Galilean 87-poems out of 653 have been selected, from six chapbooks of which six thousand copies have been handed out freely to: churches, individuals and facilities seeking the wisdom of the scriptures concerning Jesus Christs love and salvation; three chapbooks were sent to Pope Francis whom gave a favorable response. This is the authors Magnus Opus in poetry. Deep into the books inner-core one will discover its mysteries: those seldom brought to light. (A two year project.) The Commentary for the poem Conclusion: Gods Existence is excellent. Sister Marleny Rojas (11-2013) Directora del Colegio Santa Mara Madre de Dios I like the poem, Gods Nature Marissa Cardenas, Journalist, Correo Newspaper (Huancayo, Peru) 2013 With great regard and admirationyou being a decorous person: Poems for the Soul (The Galilean) tells us, the reader, once more of your endless layers and poetic productions, which exalt the intelligence and human culture. Mayor, San Juan De Miraflores, Lima, Per: Dr. Adolfo Vargas, 8-2013
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Feast of the Wolfhound
Feast of the Wolfhound
This classic epic-poem that takes place between 326 B.C., and 286 B.C., unique in its modern form (a five-year intermittent project), of the funeral and thereafter saga of Alexander the Great, and its great feast and his beloved Hephaistion whom makes a brief unforgettable appearance, the poet tells the epic in poetic prose lone-line form. Alexander is dying, his generals outwardly are in a half daze, and are cutting up his empire mentally. Liken to Homer's heroes and Vergil's demise of Troy, the author, in a like manner-in a counterclockwise mode, points out the rising lost heroes of this saga, wrestling for the rich prizes Alexander has left behind, namely, his vast dominions. Perdikkas, Antipatros, Kassandros, Ptolemy, and the unforgettable Philip and Eurydike. The poetic epic is stirring, irresistible, tragic and sophisticated. A serpentine marathon of events. Rebels of Macedon feel they are the master race, conquerors of the world, yet it is about to fall apart. In a bold shift of poetic narrating and style, Dr. Dennis L. Siluk, Poet Laureate, creates an incomparable picture of this dangerous, envious accession of corruption on the royal line of this once magnetic empire, a glittering prize for the taking."
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Winner Or Loser Takes Nothing
Winner Or Loser Takes Nothing
This book "Winner or Loser Takes Nothing" is the author's seventh distinct work, and his intended last, his Heptalogy, or compound work of literature with over one-hundred short stories of nonfiction. Most of the stories have been written within the last thirteen years and never published publicly on paper. Now restored and reedited for book distribution. The seven book collection, the series consist of: "In My Time," "Men among Men," "Times and Seasons," "The Way You Have to Be," "An Unsuspecting Life," "To Want, and Want Not!" And the seventh book being "Winner or Loser Takes Nothing."Within this last of the series, are fourteen short stories, such as: "Three Nuns in a Basket" (Peru), "Loaf of Bread," that takes place in Seattle, "A Thankless Child," along with "Uncle Wally: POW" a WWII story, "Requiem for a Gang" (1950s & '60s), "Garmisch in Spring" West Germany (1976), "Cody's Arboretum" (1988), "The Scholar," "Hennepin Avenue" (Minneapolis, Minnesota-1980s), "A Long Day in Vietnam" (1971), "Bernardo's Footprint" (Brazil), "The Inevitable Papa Augusto" (2014), and one poetic children's tale: "Tamar the Turtle" (1987, revamped in 2016).Dr. Dennis L. Siluk is a poet since twelve years old, a writer, Psychologist, Ordained Minister, Decorated Veteran from the Vietnam War, Doctor in Arts and Education, and he received twice Honorary Doctorate. He have received nine times the distinction as Poet Laureate in Peru. One of his books, "The Galilean," took Honorable Mention at the 2016 Paris Book Festival, and received an award from the Congress of Peru, for his cultural writings. He is originally from St. Paul, Minnesota, and lives with his wife Rosa, in Lima, Peru and High up in the Andes, in Huancayo, also, in Minnesota. Back picture of the author is at the 'Diamond T. Ranch, ' Minnesota in 2002 A.D. (Taken by Rosa Peñaloza).
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Days (Días)
Days (Días)
Most folks, to include poets, prefer poetry on death to entail mostly courage and strength; I dont disagree completely with that, only partly, for submissive suffering is also involved; yet, many folks just do not want to look at both sides of the dying. Nowadays things are changing, and it is more permissible, yet still bold to mix them together, and thus, here we have just that. I prefer true emotions: be it aggressive or passive when going through death voyages; for such are during a paramount loss, of a loved one dying, day by day, especially, ones mother, as in Days... In the second section of the book, is the prose poem: Recapitulations (or, The Meatpackers Boy) autobiographical in content. Also, a few additional independent poems on: Vietnam, America, An Old Furnace and Commentary: Trials of a Poet. The third section, four new poems, Coming of Old Age. In section four: a letter from Pope Francis to the author, quotes, and the authors books. Much of the poetry in this book, Days, is done in a free verse style, long line form, other than the confessional-grieving poetry on the death of the poets mother, a very deserted, overwhelming, human undertaking. Rosa Pealoza This is the poets 47th book, 16th in poetry. He lives in Lima, Peru and in the Andes, in Huancayo, with his wife Rosa; he is from Minnesota, and has won numerous awards for his writings. Presently working on several books. Back picture of the author, taken in Huancayo, 2011.
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Ebony in Eden
Ebony in Eden
"Within these twenty-three poems the Poet Laureate brings out visions and infinite spheres, nightmares, and multiple dimensions; all unique in the chronicles of eldritch fusion, or poetic prose, stygian dark sonnets, to include hyperborean poetic mythos and tales. This selected group of poems, is by far an ominous collection: some close to macabre, some fantasy, all vintage, all brilliantly conceived, and executed in a free style lore, for the 21st Century reader, specifically. Its long verse is toned with heightened eeriness. The dark sonnets, all with ardent themes and philosophies (metaphors, symbols, and figures of speech, etcetera). There is no imitativeness in the poet's work, it is all original in concept and performance. Much of this poetry has been taken out of the mothball cabinet and reedited for publication, -once set aside for another era; now hesitantly brought out at this early date by petition. It explores strange and wonderful and seldom engraved frontiers. The Poet presents to the reader a contact with the cosmos, full of mystery, and the beauty of God's handiwork. He ventures into physics, demonology, anthropology, astrology, eschatology (Armageddon) and psychology. He takes you near the primordial nocturnal black holes, gravitational waves as if you were a hypothetical observer."
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