Health Education
"The ideas, concepts, and challenges presented in this text have developed out of many different experiences: teaching elementary and middle-level children; teaching a basic elementary/middle school health course to hundreds of pre-service elementary, early childhood, and special education majors; working with numerous student teachers; and serving on a variety of local, state, and national curriculum and standards committees. Authors and contributors are and have been engaged in teaching in K-8 settings, designing curriculum, developing instructional strategies, and collaborating with state and local educators to provide professional development. This has provided opportunities to use the content and strategies included in this tenth edition. This textbook has been written with several groups in mind: (1) the elementary and middle-level education major who has little background or experience in health education but will be required to teach health education to their students in the future, (2) the health education major who will be the health specialist or coordinator in an elementary or middle school, (3) the school nurse who works in the elementary/middle school setting, and (4) those community health educators and nurses who increasingly must interact with elementary and/or middle school personnel. Our goal is to help ensure that elementary and middle school teachers and health specialists obtain the information, skills, and support they need to provide quality health instruction to students. The new edition includes updated statistics throughout. Updates have been made to Strategies for Learning and Assessment, Children's Literature, and Internet resources. All references to YRBS and SHPPS data have been updated to include the most recently disseminated data. Additionally, Healthy People references have been updated to include Healthy People 2030 objectives. A new section, Considerations for Special Populations, has been added to Chapters 5-14 in an effort to acknowledge current issues influencing the teaching of the chapter content"--