Women's Rights, international studies on gender: Crisis and pandemic Effects
The new issue of Women’s Rights International Studies on Gender e-book returns after two years suspended due to the difficulties arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Inline to listen to the voices of academics from developing and developed countries, this third volume investigates crisis and pandemic effects spread across the world since the beginning of 2020 on women’s lives. In this edition, Professor Chiquita Howard-Bostic integrates the edition responsibilities with professors Monica Sapucaia Machado and Denise Almeida de Andrade to expand the horizons of the studies, both in terms of regionality, Professor Howard-Bostic is American, and Professors Machado and Andrade are Brazilian, as of the focus, in the mixture of sociology and law. The e-book has contributions from professors from Spain, Belgium, India, the United States and Brazil. The piece begins with the debate on the normative force of international conventions for the protection of women´s rights, in a paper by Felipe Gómez Isa; advances to the analysis of domestic violence and the misogynist discourses in the pandemic period, in research carried out by Denise Andrade in partnership with Carolina Hannud and Thais Souza; and the third article addresses the dismantling of access to sexual and reproductive rights in a pandemic period, in the brave work of Rachel Hammonds. In the fourth chapter, the ebook presents the translation into English of the crucial writing of Hildete Pereira de Melo, Lucilene Morandi and Ruth Helena Dweck on the need to insert the social indicator of unpaid work as a satellite account in the Brazilian aid system. This article is due to the conceptual and methodological importance of gender data in Brazil and the world. The work continues with examining women’s situation in disaster conditions in a composition by Monica Machado and Karina Denari. Advances to the understanding of climate change and gender from the Indian legal framework, in the vital research of Stellina Jolly and Makina Kamthan and leads, in the 7° article, to the question of the discourse on the memory of women’s rights and the effect of this recollection for other women, in a paper by Débora Massmann and Patrícia Massmann. Finally, the e-book ends with an essay by Nadejda Marques on how inclusion, equity, and safety net approaches should guide policies to combat the devastation of rights caused by Covid-19 in women’s lives. With this seam that permeates themes, regions, and areas of knowledge, this e-book proposes to contribute to the construction of the academic and social debate on how crises dismantle the few rights conquered by women and what are the ways to rebuild these rights and guarantee that in the subsequent health, economic, social, and environmental crisis, women will not be the most affected again. We hope this effort will encourage more people to think about gender equality and we look forward to our fourth volume bringing better news about the situation of women in the world.