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Out of Darkness
Out of Darkness
A TORONTO STAR BESTSELLER From the bestselling author of The Concubine’s Children and The Girl in the Picture, a gripping story of a domestic assault that shocked the world, of the exercise of power and political influence, and of the Bangladeshi woman whose irrepressible spirit found light in sudden darkness. From the outside, Rumana seemed an unlikely victim of domestic abuse: married to a man of her own choosing and progressing in her career as a professor of international relations at Dhaka University. But in 2011, on return from graduate studies at the University of British Columbia, her husband attacked and blinded her in front of their young daughter. As Rumana's horrifying story garnered international headlines, and connections brought her to Vancouver in an attempt—ultimately futile—to restore her sight, her plight underscored the fact that there are no typical victims of intimate-partner violence. Denise Chong goes behind the headlines to reveal the devolution of a love story into a tale of tyranny behind closed doors, and the pursuit of justice that proved all the more elusive during the rise of social media. Out of Darkness tells a globe-spanning narrative of loyalty, perseverance and a woman’s determination to face the future and rebuild a life with meaning.
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Lives of the Family
Lives of the Family
International bestselling author of The Concubine's Children, Denise Chong returns to the subject of her most beloved book, the lives and times of Canada's early Chinese families. In 2011, Denise Chong set out to collect the history of the earliest Chinese settlers in and around Ottawa, who made their homes far from any major Chinatown. Many would open cafes, establishments that once dotted the landscape across the country and were a monument to small-town Canada. This generation of Chinese immigrants lived at the intersection of the Exclusion Act in Canada, which divided families between here and China, and 2 momentous upheavals in China: the Japanese invasion and war-time occupation; and the victory of the Communists, which ultimately led these settlers to sever ties with China. This book of overlapping stories explores the trajectory of a universal immigrant experience, one of looking in the rear view mirror while at the same time, travelling toward an uncertain future. Intimate, haunting and powerful, Lives of the Family reveals the immigrant's tenacity in adapting to a new world.
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The Concubine's Children
The Concubine's Children
The Concubine's Children is the story of a family cleaved in two for the sake of a father’s dream. In 1913, Chan Sam left an “at home” wife in China to earn a living in “Gold Mountain.” Eleven years later, May-ying, the wilful, seventeen-year-old concubine he bought, sight unseen, travels to join him where she labors in tea houses of west coast Chinatowns to support the family in Canada, and the one in China. It was the concubine’s third daughter, the author’s mother, who unlocked the past for her daughter whose curiosity about some old photographs ultimately reunited a family divided for most of the last century. Heartfelt and beautifully written, The Concubine's Children is an inspiring story of the sacrifice that tore a family apart and the love that bound them back together.
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The Girl in the Picture
The Girl in the Picture
"More than any other Vietnam book in recent years, The Girl in the Picture confronts us with the ceaseless, ever-compounding casualties of modern warfare." —The San Francisco Chronicle On June 8, 1972, nine-year-old Kim Phuc, severely burned by napalm, ran from her blazing village in South Vietnam and into the eye of history. Her photograph-one of the most unforgettable images of the twentieth century-was seen around the world and helped turn public opinion against the Vietnam War. This book is the story of how that photograph came to be-and the story of what happened to that girl after the camera shutter closed. Award-winning biographer Denise Chong's portrait of Kim Phuc-who eventually defected to Canada and is now a UNESCO spokesperson-is a rare look at the Vietnam War from the Vietnamese point-of-view and one of the only books to describe everyday life in the wake of this war and to probe its lingering effects on all its participants.
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Konkubinens børn
Konkubinens børn
Under et ophold i Beijing besøger canadiske Denise Chong sine bedsteforældres fødeby, landsbyen Chang Gar Bin, og det bliver en rejse, der tager hende både tilbage og frem i tiden. "Konkubinens børn" er en personlig beretning om forfatterens egen familiehistorie. Det er en fortælling om migration og om familiens erfaringer med de kulturelle, politiske og sociale spændinger de oplevede med flytningen fra Kina til Canada i 1848, da bedstefar Chan Sam først kom til "Gold Mountain". Denise Chong (f. 1953) er en canadisk økonom og forfatter. I begyndelsen af 1980’erne arbejdede hun blandt andet som særlig rådgiver for den canadiske premiereminister og blev senere økonomisk seniorrådgiver for den canadiske regering. Som forfatter har Chong udgivet en række faglitterære bøger og allerede med debuten "Konkubinens børn" om hendes egen familie blev hun anerkendt i den brede canadiske offentlighed. Hendes forfatterskab har ofte fokus på kvinders erfaringer og på livet som minoritet.
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Das Mädchen hinter dem Foto
Das Mädchen hinter dem Foto
Im Jahr 1972 geht ein Foto um die Welt: Ein neunjähriges südvietnamesisches Mädchen, das sich die von Napalm entzündeten Kleider vom Leib gerissen hat, rennt schreiend auf die Kamera zu. Denise Chong erzählt sehr einfühlsam die Geschichte "hinter dem Foto", das bewegte Leben von Kim Phuc, das sie von Vietnam über Kuba schließlich nach Kanada geführt hat. Heute ist die überzeugte Christin "UNESCO-Botschafterin des guten Willens für eine Kultur des Friedens".
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Chapters on Asia: Selected papers from the Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship (2021)
Chapters on Asia: Selected papers from the Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship (2021)
Chapters on Asia features selected papers written by scholars who have been awarded the National Library’s Lee Kong Chian Research Fellowship. These works examine the history and heritage of Singapore and the region, and contain fresh research based on the collections of the National Library and National Archives of Singapore. Chapter 1. The Circulation of Premodern Knowledge of Singapore and its Straits before 1819 / Benjamin J.Q. Khoo Chapter 2. Europeans in the Press: A Comparative Reading of the Representation of “Deviant” Behaviour in English and Chinese Language Newspapers in Singapore (1923–41)/Zhi Qing Denise Lim Chapter 3. Chinese Newspaper Literary Supplements in Singapore’s Postwar Literary Scene: The Roles of Xing Ying and Yao Zi/seah Cheng Ta
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