This informal biography of Hot Springs, North Carolina, is an affectionate recounting of the pilgrimage of a town and its inhabitants—a journey involving triumph, tragedy, and sorrow. Though not intended to be a highly researched and documented narrative, the chronicle tells of the the people who helped create Hot Springs, those who lived in the town during its periods of growth and prosperity as well as decline and depression, and current residents who have confidence and hope in its future.
An in-depth look at the life of George Woodruff. This is a view of his accomplishments both personal and professional that greatly benefited the state of Georgia and his hometown.
James Ray (ca. 1750-1816) lived in North Carolina and married Jane "Jinnit" Allison (ca. 1750-1849). Descendants lived in Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, Texas, Illinois, Georgia, Oklahoma, Colorado, Alabama, and elsewhere.