Onward and Upward
This comprehensive divorce and family law book is truly one-of-a-kind. It offers the perspectives of attorneys and professionals on a myriad of family and matrimonial law topics, including issues regarding:* CHILDREN (e.g., custody, visitation, support, paternity, child protective proceedings, adoptions, kidnapping)* MARITAL DISSOLUTION (e.g., grounds for a divorce/annulment, spousal maintenance, equitable distribution, religious issues)* SPECIAL COURT ACTIONS (e.g., family offense proceedings, conciliation proceedings, Persons In Need of Supervision)* CONTRACTS (e.g., prenuptial/postnuptial agreements, cohabitation agreements, pet agreements, surrogacy agreements)* ESTATE PLANNING THROUGH LIFE'S TRANSITIONS* DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESSES (e.g., litigation, mediation, collaborative law, neutral evaluation)What makes this book especially unique are the diverse viewpoints from non-lawyer professionals who aid people through these various life changes. To illustrate, the book's authors include a parent coordinator, parenting coach, nutritionist, image consultant, mindfulness and lifestyle coach, personal trainer, credit repair professional, professional organizer, insurance professional, private investigator and real estate professional. This diverse approach adds invaluable depth and perspective to the reader.This book also offers information on social media, courtroom decorum, keeping legal fees down, choosing a qualified attorney, and community resources. There is truly something for everyone who is going through a family law dispute or transition. To illustrate, the book's authors include a parent coordinator, parenting coach, divorce coach, life coach, relationship coach, psychotherapist, financial advisor, accountant, dating coach, nutritionist, image consultant, mindfulness and lifestyle coach, personal trainer, credit repair professional, professional organizer, insurance professional, private investigator and real estate professional.