Ugly Town
Horror meets the American Dream in this scathing take-no-prisoners novel about Hollywood, suburban sprawl, racism, gun culture, automobile fetishism, love & hate, and what just may prove to be the American Nightmare. Award-winning author and screenwriter Debra Di Blasi returns to the scene of society's crimes with comical, outrageous, angry, and horror-filled excoriations. Ugly Town n. 1. a pejorative term for suburbia, or more specifically the suburban sprawl endemic (and epidemic) to many cities of the United States; 2. adj. a pejorative phrase describing a person, place, or thing that lacks taste; 3. v. pejorative, meaning to transform a person, place, or thing into something tasteless; 4. n. purgatory; a place of supposedly eternal punishment to where people who die angry are consigned.