Timeshift: Tales of Time is an anthology of 38 short stories of time and time travel by 36 incredible authors of speculative fiction. From time travel to time dilation, time manipulation, time zones, futures, alternate realities, and many other variations on the theme of time, these stories represent some of the strongest stories on time in recent memory.Stories include:"All the Wealth in the World" by Alan Baxter, "Ravages of Time" and "Letting Go" by Alex Shvartsman, "An Old-Time Girl" by Barbara Krasnoff, "The Day the Future Invaded" by Beth Powers,"Moments" by Brandon Crilly, "A Murder of Crows" by Brenda Anderson, "Where There's a Will" by Brian K. Lowe, "Futures" and "Aardvark Says Moo" by Cat Rambo, "Again" by David Afsharirad, "Sibyl" by Deborah Walker, "What Does a Time Machine Cost?" by Elliotte Rusty Harold, "Twins Again" by Éric Picholle, "You Can Always Change the Past" by George Nikolopoulos, "Afternoon Break" by Gregg Chamberlain, "Grandma Was a Time Machine" by H.L. Fullerton, "1-9-4-Blue-3-7-2-6-Gamma-Tetrahedron" by Ian Randal Strock, "Going Back for Seconds" by Jez Patterson, "Long Lines of Communication are Easily Tangled" by John Dromey, "Memories of My Mother" by Ken Liu, "The Last of Time" by Ken Poyner, "Time Zone" by Kevin J. Anderson, "Now Open" by KJ Kabza, "In Defense of the End of the World" by Leah Cypess, "Repeat Performance" by Liam Hogan, "The Vitruvian Farmer" by Marcelina Vizcarra, "My Ribs a Cage" by Marissa Harwood, "Isaac Intrepid's Paradox" by Mike Resnick, "They Have Been at a Great Feast of Languages, and Stol'n the Scraps" by Robert Bagnall, "Tempus Fugitive" by Robert Jeschonek, "The Assassin" by Robert Silverberg, "Unveiled" by Ron Friedman, "A Time for Peace" by S.R. Algernon, "When the World Stopped" by Siri Paulson, "The First Time they Murder Billy" by Stephen S. Power, "Proceedings from the First and Only Sixteenth Annual One-Woman Symposium on Time Manipulation" by Stewart Baker, "One Year Later" by Wendy Nikel