What programs address career development in an holistic way, including issues of meaning and purpose, spirituality, and 'work within a life'? Written for career planners, executive coaches, life change counselors, HR and human services managers and all those interested in employee development, workplace values, life-career assessment and personal transformation, this book helps to connect your career to the spiritual values that give your life meaning.SoulWork: Finding the Work you Love, Loving the Work relates your career to spiritual themes, and aims to provide advice and support to people in working through their personal choices. Updated from 1998, the revised edition places career choices in the context of holistic, personal, spiritual development and internal change. A spiritual approach to integrating work/career with all life issues. This book examines the concept of careers within the context of seven themes, including chapters on: Change, Balance, Energy, Community, Calling, Harmony, Unity, Exercises Each starts with a story and then offers career issues, reflections on various aspects of the chapter theme and a set of applications that includes self-administered questionnaires and exercises. The authors take a systematic approach, use clear language and examples that many people will be able to relate to. The value of this book lies in its practical focus on the issues of matching work life to life in its totality. It offers an opportunity to reassess one's career and connect it to the spiritual values that bring meaning and depth to one's life.SoulWork offers a refreshingly unconventional approach to the quest for satisfying work. Rather than focusing on matching occupations against personality traits as many other books do, this book advocates finding one's ideal job through one's calling. That is, drawing on strengths, life experiences, personal needs, and goals to arrive at meaningful work.