Navigating Neurodiversity
Imagine living a good deal of your life knowing you are different from people around you, but you don’t understand why. In addition, the things that make you different have caused difficulties with education, jobs, and relationships. Navigating Neurodiversity: My Journey as a Twice-Exceptional Adult by John Truitt and Deboarh Gennarelli takes readers on an enlightening journey of John Truitt’s life and his epiphany moment when he was diagnosed as gifted with autism and other learning differences at 45 years old. Navigating Neurodiversity is unique because there are few books available today about twice-exceptional adults. For those readers who are neurodiverse, or suspect they are, you will discover John’s life is an example that can help one comfortably understand and accept who they are. There may be resistance along their journey, and one may lose a few battles. However, winning the war is what counts. For those readers who are neurotypical, it is important to raise awareness that many 2e individuals do not seek a cure or want to be “fixed”. The goal is to help everyone understand that 2e people have limitations, but they also have many more strengths to appreciate. Navigating Neurodiversity has three parts. The first part is the introduction that includes background information for those who do not know a lot about neurodiversity including autism spectrum disorder and giftedness. Part two is about John’s twice-exceptional life. It includes stories of family history, serving in the military, and his failures and successes in jobs and relationships. Readers will find inspiration as John reflects on the ups and downs of his unique life. Finally, part three includes tips for neurotypicals working and living with 2e adults and strategies for 2e adults to feel more fulfilled in their lives. Also included in this part is help for families of twice-exceptional children. Understanding the barriers and myths and misconceptions about this group of students, in addition to learning styles, proper educational planning and advocacy, can make all the difference whether a student succeeds in school or not.