God's Word for Our World
This two volume work in biblical studies is a commemorative presentation to Simon John DeVries, noted Old Testament Scholar. Volume one offers a series of essays on issues in Hebrew Bible Studies. The two volumes will form one work focused upon the development of a critical Biblical Theology of the Hebrew Bible, oriented towards and focused upon the scholar issues and operational applications at stake in a substantive understanding of canonical scriptures in the Jewish and Christian traditions. The topics addressed include the nature of Yahweh as God of Israel, a re-examination of the Exodus tradition, the Priestly code and practices, prophets and revelation, biblical Poetry, issues in Biblical linguistics, dramatic narrative in Hebrew Bible tradition and Yahweh's deliverance as redemption in Israel. The first volume is devoted to exegetical studies, including the nature of Yahweh as God of Israel, a re-examination of Exodus tradition, the Priestly Code and practices, prophets and revelation, biblical poetry, issues in biblical linguistics, dramatic narrative in Hebrew Bible tradition, and Yahweh's deliverance as redemption in Israel.