Introduction to Plant Population Biology
This completely revised, fourth edition of Introduction to PlantPopulation Biology continues the approach taken by its highlysuccessful predecessors. Ecological and genetic principles areintroduced and theory is made accessible by clear, accurateexposition with plentiful examples. Models and theoreticalarguments are developed gradually, requiring a minimum ofmathematics. The book emphasizes the particular characteristics of plantsthat affect their population biology, and evolutionary questionsthat are particularly relevant for plants. Wherever appropriate, itis shown how ecology and genetics interact, presenting a roundedpicture of the population biology of plants. Topics covered include variation and its inheritance, geneticmarkers including molecular markers, plant breeding systems,ecological genetics, intraspecific interactions, populationdynamics, regional dynamics and metapopulations, competition andcoexistence, and the evolution of breeding systems and lifehistory. An extensive bibliography provides access to the recentliterature that will be invaluable to students and academicsalike. Effective integration of plant population ecology, populationgenetics and evolutionary biology. The new edition is thoroughly revised and now includesmolecular techniques. The genetics chapters have been completely rewritten by a newco-author, Deborah Charlesworth.