The king of Egypt tried to kill him shortly after he was born-just because he was a Hebrew boy. Years later the king tried to kill him again-just because he killed an Egyptian. Okay, that one might have been warranted but either way, it's unusual to be hunted down twice in your life by a king. But that was the life of Moses-hiding, on the run, and living a fugitive's life, wondering if it would ever be safe to go back home and reveal his true identity. And then God hunted him down and told him it was time to return-and return with a vengeance! God told him to go back and rescue the children of Israel from their oppressive bondage and lead them out of Egypt. What was Moses' response? No, thank you. And he said it more than once! But God knew Moses was the right man for the job and did not give up on him. Nor will he give up on us. God has called some of us to be leaders in his kingdom. He has great plans already prepared for us if we will simply answer the call. His promise is the same promise he gave to Moses: "I will be with you." (Exodus 3:12) And as simple as that may sound, that is all we need to know. Spoiler alert: Moses decides to answer God's call. And it turns out to be the ride of his life! And at the end of his life, he gives his successor Joshua this great piece of advice: "It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." (Deuteronomy 31:8)