Pauline Theology and Mission Practice
Not since Roland Allen's book in 1912 has there appeared such a thorough study of the Apostle Paul's mission theology and methodology. "The value of this comprehensive survey," writes Harry R. Boer in the foreword, lies in part in its grounding in "careful expository studies of Paul's ministry as revealed in Acts and in the corpus of the Pauline epistles." Again and again the author illustrates the abiding relevance of Paul's first-century insights for missionary thought and practice in the twentieth century. He draws not only on Scripture, but also on personal insights and illustrations arising from two decades of missionary service. And he enters into significant dialogue with representative missionary literature of the modern period. The book's five parts cover theology (the sources and nature of Paul's theology and his theological assumptions for mission), conversion (Paul's conversion in Acts; conversion as reality, experience, and process; and conversion and the real world), the convert's new life (what its spiritual basis is and how to live it) the church (its oneness, diversity, and contextuality; its leadership, worship, discipline, and finance), and the missionary (his or her credentials and ministry). "Paul's theology was irresistible because it was energized by a fresh, life-changing experience and supported by a new love for all people," writes the author in the introduction. He then elaborates on four characteristics of that theology: it is dynamic, evangelical, pastoral, and holistic. "The absolute commitment of mind and body, soul and spirit, that was Paul's, his love for the Lord Jesus and lost people everywhere," concludes the author in the epilogue, "must be the very heart of the church."