The Moving of the Water
Stories anchored in the Welsh American immigrant experience. Anchored in the community of first-, second-, and third-generation Welsh Americans in Utica, New York, during the 1960s, the stories in David Lloyds The Moving of the Water delve into universal concerns: identity, home, religion, language, culture, belonging, personal and national histories, mortality. Unflinching in their portrayal of the traumas and conflicts of fictional Welsh Americans, these stories also embrace multiple communities and diverse experiences in linked, innovative narratives: soldiers fighting in World War I and in Vietnam, the criminal underworld, the poignant struggles of children and adults caught between old and new worlds. The complexly damaged characters of these surprising and affecting stories seek transformation and revelation, healing and regeneration: a sometimes traumatic moving of the water. This collection of stories has a great-grandfather: Joyces Dubliners. Like Joyces, Lloyds stories are in the realist mode, yet sometimes broken up with startling, dream-like, hallucinatory passages that are decisive in opening up another range of experience. The final title story is magnificent, no other word will do, and it recalls The Dead, the concluding story of Joyces book. If Joyce were from Utica, New York, as Lloyd is, hed have written this book and called it Uticans. Frank Lentricchia, author of The Music of the Inferno A unique collection of stories that are sometimes puzzling, sometimes moving, sometimes enigmatic, and sometimes crystal clear, but always profoundly interesting. Jan Morris, author of A Writers House in Wales