The Practice of Statistics
View a Panopto recording of textbook author Daren Starnes detailing ten reasons the new fourth edition of The Practice of Statistics is the right choice for the AP* Statistics course. Watch instructor video reviews here. Available for your Fall 2010 Course! Request Sample Chapter 3 here. The most thorough and exciting revision to date, The Practice of Statistics 4e is a text that fits all AP* Statistics classrooms. Authors Starnes, Yates and Moore drew upon the guidance of some of the most notable names in AP* and their students to create a text that fits today’s classroom. The new edition comes complete with new pedagogical changes, including built-in AP* testing, four-step examples, section summaries, “Check Your Understanding” boxes and more. The Practice of Statistics long stands as the only high school statistics textbook that directly reflects the College Board course description for AP* Statistics. Combining the data analysis approach with the power of technology, innovative pedagogy, and a number of new features, the fourth edition will provide you and your students with the most effective text for learning statistics and succeeding on the AP* Exam.