Praised by JAMA as "The most complete description of the development, structure, function, pathophysiology, and treatment of the retina and its diseases to be found anywhere," this monumental three-volume work puts all of today's scientific and clinical knowledge of the retina at readers' fingertips. The New Edition has been comprehensively updated and reorganized to reflect all of the very latest scientific and genetic discoveries, diagnostic imaging methods, drug therapies, treatment recommendations, and surgical techniques. The result is an indispensable reference and diagnostic tool for generalists and specialists alike. Delivers the editorial expertise of four highly respected authorities, as well as contributions from internationally recognized leaders in visual science, ophthalmology, and vitreoretinal studies. Presents more than 3,400 superb illustrations (2,200 in full color) that capture all forms of retinal disease from every perspective. Offers the very latest information on the genetic basis of retinal disease, diagnostic retinal imaging, photodynamic therapy, and age-related macular degeneration. Examines the most recent advances in diagnostic indocyanine green angiography � optical coherence tomography (OCT) and quantitative fluoroscein angiography � macular translocation with 360� peripheral retinectomy � surgery for diffuse macular edema due to multiple causes, including proliferative vitreoretinopathy � artificial vision � and much more. Features a completely restructured section on age-related macular degeneration that includes epidemiology and risk factors � prophylaxis and prevention knowledge gained from large clinical trials like AREDS � proven and experimental treatments for AMD � and pharmacotherapy. Incorporates a multitude of new full-color images, 2200 in all.