An Annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry
"David Bauer's Annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry is without doubt the most complete and up-to-date practical bibliographic compendium on the Bible now available. All interpreters of Scripture--pastors and teachers--will find the information provided here useful and accessible. Especially valuable are the annotations of selected books, which offer careful and informed judgments about the usefulness of the works and provide succinct, but informative and accurate, descriptions and evaluations of each book. While Bauer is a New Testament teacher, his choices and assessments in the Old Testament bibliography are as good as any Old Testament scholar could produce. I do not know of any comparable work for pastors and teachers." --Patrick D. Miller, Charles T. Haley Professor of Old Testament Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary "This is one of those rare bibliographic guides that every student of religion, seminarian, and minister will want to have on his or her bookshelf. The focus of this guide is on biblical studies. It contains entries on 2,200 books written by 1,300 scholars. Annotations describe and evaluate books that are highly recommended. Virtually every topic in biblical studies is noted: commentaries on each book of the Bible; biblical histories, theologies, and ethics; books on the canon, archaeology, early Judaism, and interpretive methods; and technical books such as grammars, concordances, Bible dictionaries, and atlases. The great strength of this guide is not only that it provides the reader with a wealth of information but also that the format it follows is eminently reader-friendly. The Guide is invaluable for assisting the student, seminarian, or minister in building a personal library. I highly recommend it! --Jack Dean Kingsbury, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Theology, Union Theological Seminary in Virginia This book provides pastors and church workers with a map for navigating the maze of biblical studies. It offers an extensive list of resources, with helpful comments and recommendations that help readers discover which books will be of most interest to them. The consistent focus is on volumes that are attentive to faith concerns and thus most promising for use within faith communities. A valuable tool for any minister or church worker committed to taking the Bible seriously! --Mark Allan Powell, Professor of New Testament, Trinity Lutheran Seminary