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Advanced Public Speaking
Advanced Public Speaking
Advanced Public Speaking: Theory and Techniques Based on the Rhetorical Canons provides students with classical and contemporary theory, detailed guidance and techniques, and explorations of various aspects of argumentation related to the development and delivery of a variety of speeches. The book leads students through the five rhetorical canons--invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery--offering them a conceptual overview, followed by an operational framework, and ending with cautions on what to avoid in order to become stronger speakers. This structure provides students with a highly practical model they can use when constructing their own speeches. The text presents a myriad of rhetorical strategies, stylistic devices, and practical examples for students to draw upon, including vital insights for crafting informative, persuasive, argumentative, and storytelling speeches, as well as effective visual presentations. Two appendices feature outline templates for the various ways to organize a speech and a visual depiction of hand gestures to aid students in their delivery and performance. Advanced Public Speaking equips students with the information they need to develop into confident and capable public speakers. The book is an exemplary guide for advanced undergraduate and graduate-level courses in public speaking.
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The American Political Scandal
The American Political Scandal
Scandals are pervasive, perplexing, and an all-too-common feature of contemporary political communication; David Dewberry explores the rhetoric of scandal from start to finish, and identifies consistent patterns in how they unfold.
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The American Political Scandal
The American Political Scandal
In this holistic examination of political scandal in the United States, David Dewberry argues convincingly that such scandals follow a consistent narrative centered largely on media coverage and politician performance rather than the actual corruption or ethics violation committed. In making this argument, he also provides an analytical framework for understanding the patterns underlying scandals regardless of their unique political contexts. Dewberry dissects four major examples—Teapot Dome, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and Clinton/Lewinsky—and explores the roles of various constituencies involved in creating, reacting to, and mediating the scandal. What is the true role of journalism within the context of scandal? What persuasive techniques do politicians employ to develop and perpetuate scandals? What motives and values bring scandals to a close? In addition to the core cases, Dewberry incorporates briefer examples from contemporary and ongoing controversies including Anthony Weiner’s sexting scandal, money and sex in Congress, how cover-ups have gone digital, and Chris Christie’s Bridgegate. The result is a fascinating and thoughtful look at the relationships among political discourse, free speech, and democracy.
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Birds and Berries
Birds and Berries
This thought-provoking text offers many insights not generally perceived by ornithologist or botanist and is illustrated in masterly fashion by John Busby's lively drawings. The book's subtitle - A study of an ecological interaction - properly reflects the author's theme but may tend to hide the fact that the relationships between birds and berries can be much more than the simple, mutually advantageous systems ('eat my fruits, spread my seeds' ) they may seem at first to be. Therein lies the core of the book - the less obvious intricacies and implications of plant/bird associations, the co-evolution of species in some cases and the adaptation of a species (bird or plant) to further its own advantage. To complicate the scene, too, there are the 'exploiters', the pulp-predators and seed-predators that feed at the plant's expense. In Part I of the book the authors provide accounts by species of the trees and shrubs they observed over many years in their study area of southern England; similarly, Part 2 records the bird species they watched feeding, or attempting to feed, or preventing other birds from feeding, on the fruits. Part 3 ranges widely and is not confined to Britain and Europe. It investigates the strategies and adaptations evolved and employed by plants to ensure their success, and their attempts at defence against the bird 'predators'. It looks at the birds themselves, their foraging techniques and fruit preferences, the limitations of a fruit diet and adaptations to it, the time and energy budgets of fruit-eaters and, finally, the intriguing question of co-evolution of plants and birds.
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Wild Fruits
Wild Fruits
Thoreau presents information about the "'unnoticed wild berry whose beauty annually lends a new charm to some wild walk, '" along with what "may be considered Thoreau's last will and testament, in which he protests our desecration of the landscape, reflects on the importance of preserving wild space 'for instruction and recreation, ' and envisions a new American scripture."--Jacket.
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Alpine Plants
Alpine Plants
Reprint of the original, first published in 1874.
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The Scientific Aspects of Luther Burbank's Work
The Scientific Aspects of Luther Burbank's Work
A look at some of Burbank's experiments and the importance of his pioneer work in hybrids and plant breeding to science. David Starr Jordan (1851-1931) was a noted educator and scientist. Educated at Cornell University, Butler University, and the Indiana University School of Medicine he became the President of Indiana University in 1885, the youngest university president in the nation at the time. Six years later, he accepted the post of President of Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, where he remained, first as president and later as chancellor, until his retirement. Vernon Lyman Kellogg (1867 - 1937) filled the Chair of Entomology at Stanford University during the early the early part of this century and presided over the development of a strong program in entomology that developed there. Dr. Kellogg was an active conservationist, an officer of the Sierra Club, and outdoorsman. Dr. Kellogg's contributions to the entomological community include service as a Charter Member of the Entomological Society of America, now the largest entomological society in the world, and a term as President of that society in 1915.
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