Haiku of the Dead
Poetry to eat your brains. "Haiku of the Dead" is an anthology that pieces together a warm-hearted story of guts and gore. Told through the imagistic language of haiku, every flesh-ripping moment of the zombie apocalypse is covered, from dawn to demise. Thirty-five narrators take the readers through infested streets and graveyards from the points of view of both survivors and the undead. With haiku from authors around the world, including Adrian George Nicolae, Alyssa Black, Andrew Miller, Betty Villareal, Bruce Harris, Cathy Bryant, Chris Fradkin, Christopher Evans, Clarice Radrick, Colin M. Drysdale, Colin W. Campbell, David Revilla, David S. Pointer, Donald Raymond, Fanni Suto, Irene Smith, Jason Kirk, Jennifer Courtney, Jessica McHugh, John McCarthy, K. R. Smith, Laura Huntley, Marie Churchman, Mathias Jansson, Matt Fallaize, Matthew Wilson, Nick Johns, Olivia Arieti, Pattie Flint, Robert E. Petras, Sarah Winn, Seth Frederiksen, Sonja Johanson, Tim McLafferty, and Winston H. Plowes. Awakening by Fanni SutoThe Easter Bunny ComethDeath Churns Below by Christopher EvansFactory-Poisoned Air by Mathew WilsonRelease by Robert E. PetrasWalk This Way by Betty VillerealFresh Flesh by Olivia ArietiIf All Who'd Ever by Jason KirkEven Zombie Fear by Colin W. CampbellUndead Longing by Sarah WinnChick Band Drumsticks by David S. PointerSense of Death by Irene SmithWho's There? by Sonja JohansonAmy by David RevillaDaddy? by Pattie FlintIncoming by Adrian George NicolaeI Walked Between Them by Chris FradkinBoat by Winston H. PlowesThe End by Colin M. DrysdaleThe Honeymoon by Laura HuntleyBroken Bonds by Andrew MillerThe Undead Soul by Seth FrederiksenDead Clothing by John McCarthyWhy Zombies Dress Badly by Matt FallaizeDead Soles by Jessica McHughHunting Season by K.R. SmithI Will Not Eat Brain by Mathias JanssonZombie Beach Romance by Alyssa BlackA Better Man by Clarice by RadrickYou Don't Really Think by Tim McLafferty#First World Zombie Problems by Jennifer CourtneyLove Among The Ruins by Nick JohnsLove, Un-dead by Marie ChurchmanDate of the Dead by Cathy BryantRetake by Bruce Harris