Humbugs of New York
From "Humbugs of New-York: being a Remonstrance against Popular Delusion, whether in Science, Philosophy, or Religion. By David Meredith Reese. Such of our readers as remember the exposé awarded to Dr. Reese, in these pages, soon after his ridiculous attack of a valuable work by Dr. Brigham, will agree with us, that no one could be better qualified to write upon humbug, than our author. He understands the matter perfectly; and has turned his practical knowledge and long experience to tolerable account, in exposing some of the humbugs of the day, and to poor account, as heretofore, in including other matters, which have nothing in common with 'popular delusions. Our author's reputation, as an honest exponent of phrenology, has been pretty thoroughly established. "Silence were best, we should think, in this regard. But in discussing ultra-temperance, ultra-abolitionism, and ultra-sectarianism, he has done the public good service, the meed of which may be some atonement for the mortification attendant upon the "making a Judy of himself" some twelvemonth or so since. But King Humbug will always rule, in provinces, notwithstanding the rebellion of his prime ministers. He was born to have sway, somewhere, in all time. 'Mighty ancient is his family. His mother, we are told, was ------"Eden's madam, For Satan he did humbug her, And she did humbug Adam." --Knickerbacker, or, New-York Monthly Magazine, Volume 11 [1838]